Via Alta Vallemaggia

Foto: Marco Volken

The route from Ribia to the Capanna Alzasca mountain lodge takes three and a half hours plus the necessary breaks to catch your breath and take in the landscape. Two hours are spent on terrain with no clear trail or just a faint trace of a path. 

However, you can safely rely on the blue-and-white signs which, if followed in the correct order, will guide you in all safety to Cima di Catögn and on to the small mountain pass by the same name and to the Cansgéi Pass. From there you could make a beeline down to the lodge but the official path takes a slightly longer route, and with good reason as it takes you to visit one of the most famous lakes in the Ticino, namely Lake Alzasca. Some people will trek for eight hours to visit and admire it and then trek back down the same day. On this trail, however, you will have a chance to soak it up en passant before heading down, relaxed, to the nearby lodge and toasting to yet another privileged experience.

Technical Data

  • Stage length

    7,9 km

  • Height difference ascent

    540 m

  • Height difference descent

    800 m

  • Maximum height

    2398 m

  • Duration

    03:30 h

  • Difficulty


Attention! The walking times indicated refer to walking time without breaks and are calculated on the basis of parameters defined by Swiss Hiking Federation and experience. The actual walking times will therefore generally be higher, especially for longer stages.

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